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Best Structural Engineering and MEP Services Provider in Nigeria

Best Structural Engineering and MEP Services Provider in Nigeria

Structural engineering

Conifer Konstruktion Receives Build 2017 Engineering Excellence Award

ย Best Structural Engineering and MEP Design Service Provider in Nigeria

As we got wind of our nomination for the Build 2017 Engineering excellence awards, we wondered how on earth someone ย could have noticed us. Yet unknown to us, our years of toiling to keep up with the strainous demands of the structural engineering profession without compromise has not gone unnoticed.

Truly those were the years when we were betwixt a clientele that were unwilling to pay for proper engineering analysis and design and a competition that were more than eager to receive peanuts in exchange for shoddy and unanalyzed works. The unenvious years of anguish and hope with great expectation that one day the market will realize that though they gain by not paying for proper engineering design services, they loose much more through over design (provision of more than required materials) or inadequate design (leading to eventual building failure or collapse). Thus was our precarious situation before the advent of the glorious 2017.

2017: A Year of Interesting Professional Challenges

Fast forward to 2017, a year that started with our being recognized as one of the fastest growing Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria for 2016. Interestingly, three months into the year, we were faced with challenges that tested our resolve to offer the best services irrespective of the fees paid by our clients. This resolve paid off handsomely as we experienced a 300% increase in the volume of our structural engineering design jobs. With this as encouragement, we continued facing our challenges with the resolve to always leave a mark of excellence in every job we deliver.

An Incentive to Surmount Greater Challenges Ahead

One can then imagine the joy we felt when we received the mail informing us of our nomination. It was like giving chilled water to a famished soul. And as we were informed that we had been given the award, reality dawned upon us that it wouldn’t have been possible without our ever loving God, Who had been our guide all these years. We also would like to acknowledge the contributions of our dedicated members of staff. Not leaving out our wonderful clients, who are actually the reason for our continued existence. We say a big thank you to you all and pledge that God willing, we shall continue to strive to offer world class services to the Glory of the Almighty God.


Engr. Okoye Chukwunonso B. Eng, GCAPM, MBA, CMC, R. COREN, MNSE, FIIPM


Conifer Konstruktion (Nig) Ltd

… stress free construction


Building construction companyConifer Konstruktion (Nig) Ltd has a project delivery track record of 60+ projects. Contact us via email ( or phone (803) 404-0894, and we’ll make sure you’ll have a ย stress free constructionย experience.

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